Scheiffer Bates Signs to the Sharper Group for Worldwide Management

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We are more than thrilled to welcome the incredible Scheiffer Bates to The Sharper Group as one of our 2 brand new signings this week.

Scheiffer brings a whole new element to Sharper with his skills and unique approach to comedy content.

Additional to the above Scheiffer’s continuously producing high quality comedy scripts and sketches and has also already completed a huge amount of high-profile brand work throughout his career.

With Scheiffer’s razor sharp wit and comedic skills he’s ideal for junkets, interviews, tv and radio guest-spots, podcasts as well as many other events and bookings. 

Alongside being a huge advocate of physical and mental health Scheiffer’s also an accomplished actor and voice-over artist that excels in the dramatic and commercial application of his work and is available for a variety of projects that require his unique tone and delivery.

With over 1.6 million followers on Facebook, 321k subscribers on YouTube, 378k on TikTok and over 100k on Insta we’re excited to see what the next year holds in store for him.