Sharper turns 7!

Sharper is 7 years old today!⚡️

Another year has flown by and a lot has changed, with new faces on the talent roster and now even new team members, we’re really pleased to be growing and building into new areas all the time💫

Again, the biggest thank-you to everyone that has got in touch and worked with us in any way. We’re extremely fortunate that this is what we get to do for work and that we enjoy it so much.

Always the most gratitude and love to the team here, those that have been here a while and the brand-new ones, we appreciate and are hugely grateful to you all:
Joe Tasker, Jack Biggs, Ashley Glazebrook,
Glen Murphy, Lee Hinchcliffe, Ellie Hinchliffe, Charlotte Craig, Jamie Lenman, Nigel Clarke, Instaclarkes, Anto Sharp, Mikey Cobban, Kit Dickson, Harper, Joseph Harwood and Jermaine Riley

Also, a very sincere and special thanks to Shannon Royal

More adventures and bizarre times to come. All the best to everyone for 2024 and to speak to you very soon!!!🌟

#Sharper #7years #birthday #talentmanagement